Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My Project Of Volunteering At The Orchard Place, A...

What is my need? The need I am trying to fulfill is bettering the mental health of children who have had a rough upbringing. I want to know how home life influences a child’s mental health, where children can go to receive help if they need it, and how I can better their mental health to make up for what is lacking in their home life. The domain I am going to focus on is the mental domain. This ties into my project of volunteering at the Orchard Place, a children’s mental health facility. With my project, I can learn how children who grow up in a home of neglect are effected, can get help, and what steps they take to ensure the effects of their home-life will be short-term. My project is going to entail two main parts. The first part is volunteering at the Orchard Place, a child’s mental health facility. We will help at the afterschool program on Wednesday October 12th. While there, we will help children with homework, read to them, and play/interact with them. The second part i nvolves bringing a gift basket full of school supplies to the Orchard Place as a donation when we visit. The Orchard Place puts on the program we are volunteering for every Wednesday. The program is designed to give children a place to go after early release from school on Wednesdays so they are not going home to an empty house. Since children are in need of homework help at the Orchard place, our donation of school supplies will help better their mental health by providing them with the tools

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